Thai-Link Missions Trip 2019


A team of 24 students and staff recently travelled to Thailand for the 9th time to link with our partners at the Haven Project, COC Chiang Mai. Once again, it was an incredible experience for both staff and students.
Our team shared their own lives generously and really experienced the fulfilment that comes when we serve God by serving others. Here is a recount from one of our student’s of their experience in Thailand.

We embarked on the Thai-link Mission Trip full of expectation. We were entering a new country, with an unknown language, sights, food and people. After months of preparation, it was finally time to make our mark on the children in Thailand.

The first place we visited was an underprivileged village in Northern Thailand, Hot and our second was Mae Cham, a less rural town. We attended many local Church services which made a heavy impact on our enthusiasm for the upcoming English camps and we were encouraged by God through Thai worship. We started the first day with anticipation and were greeted with the most amazing children I’ve ever come across. Their attitude towards us and life, despite their circumstances still inspires me. We patiently worked through mountains of worksheets with them, teaching them that they are a treasure to God and showing them value, through English. We taught them classic Australian games and performed skits from the Bible. As the camps went on, the children opened up to us and our relationships with them progressed into much more than a teacher/student relationship. I think it is safe to say that the young girls I worked with throughout the 2 weeks, influenced me more than I ever thought possible.

Coming back to Australia I struggled with leaving Thailand and all the children who had impacted me so much. The trip changed me so much that I felt guilty living an unapologetically privileged life. But not only was I taught by the children in Thailand, but God opened my eyes to his plans for people like them. I’ve learnt that God has put me in a position like I am today so I may be blessed to have the opportunity to go on missions trip like this one to spread his love and show others value.

Meg Jones, Year 12C

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