Agronomist – David Clancy


Agronomist and 2013 Graduate, David Clancy shares a little of his Suncoast story. 

Would you like to share anything about your Suncoast experience?

I attended Suncoast from Years 9 to 12 and have made memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. One thing that is unique about Suncoast is its culture and the kind of people it attracts. I didn’t just receive an education in my chosen subjects, I received a lot more than that. My time at Suncoast definitely had an impact on the person I am today and I am grateful for that. The teachers and staff are invested in the students’ lives and show genuine care and interest. I had some great role models during my time at the College and look forward to the next time I run into one of them.

I remember going to a scholarship interview when I first started at Suncoast and when asked the question, “what would you like to do after you finish school?”, I replied that I wanted to go fishing. Still not sure why I didn’t get the scholarship but funnily enough in my spare time you’ll find me out on the ocean exploring tropical islands or wetting a line.

Your career or personal highlights since graduating?

Getting out and experiencing life to the maximum. In my very early years after finishing school, I had the chance to become an outdoor instructor and it took me to some amazing places and put me in many interesting situations. Within a few months, I went from calling people ‘Sir’ to being called ‘Sir’ and all I can say is that I have much more sympathy for my teachers now, especially knowing what I put them through. 

Another highlight was graduating from university and all the experiences that go along with it. It was a lot of hard work but also a lot of fun and I’ll certainly miss those days.

Share what you are doing now?

As a recent graduate, life has stepped up a notch and I’m working full time as an extension agronomist in the Mackay/Whitsunday region. Agronomy covers things like plant nutrition and health (I wish I took better notes in Year 12 Chemistry), an extension is like bridging the gap between research/ new technologies and on the ground operations. I work mainly with sugarcane growers to farm in ways that have less of an impact on water quality, and ultimately the Great Barrier Reef. It’s a challenging job, I’m always learning new things and meeting new people, but it is very rewarding.

What are your plans for the future?

In terms of my career, I’d like to continue in my role and build my knowledge and skill set. There’s always something to research, a skill to refine and a problem to resolve. I want to constantly ‘sharpen the axe’ and become better at what I do. The same thing goes for life in general, of course with a lot of fun along the way. I’m sure a wife and kids will work their way into the equation eventually, but in the meantime, there’s some serious living to be done!

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